Are you looking for a new workplace that would not be your sofa or a crowded bar? Have you ever tried coworking? Surely you have heard about it, because it’s a worldwide phenomenon.
We are going to find out meaning and advantages of working in a shared place.
In 2005 a Californian IT specialist, Brad Neuberg, was seeking to reduce traditional office’s costs which was a common problem for other people. His solution was to furnish with desks, devices and Internet connection and to share with freelancers from several job sectors.
From this pioneer idea the coworking phenomenon hasn’t stopped to develop, evolving and adapting to new market requirements. Nowadays, not only does a coworking space provide for shared places but also for high-quality services, within which networks can strengthen and professional and social interactions can grow up.
The result of exchanges leads to the rise of a community where members support each other and participate actively to organized events and workshops.
Firstly, the possibility to spread your job opportunities is just one of many advantages that you come upon working in a coworking context. Another element that affects this choice is the significant cost saving compared to a traditional office. You don’t have to underestimate the lack of management too: how much time do you waste for bills and cleaning services? You can use this saved time for your job and, above all, for you!
At Working Milano we provide a full service to meet any needs. You can choose your own formula with dedicated desk or several daily entrances.
Focus on your projects, we will do the rest at our best!